2019 Announcements
IEEE EAB Section Education Outreach Orientation held at 2019-07-15 is available as follows:
Presentation Slides: https://ea.ieee.org/images/files/SEOC/SEOC_Orientation_2019_FINAL.pdf
Please take a look at both for a better understanding of IEEE EAB and SEOC!
IEEE Educational Activities – Call For Nominations 2019!

The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) is seeking nominations for its prestigious annual awards, which recognize major contributions to engineering and technical education. The deadline for submitting a nomination is 6 May 2019.
Description of each EAB Award and the applicable nomination form can be found at the link: http://bit.ly/eabawards2019
IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities Award Winners 2018
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and the world better than you found it.” — Marian Wright Edelman
Hearty Congratulations to the IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities award winners of 2018 for their exemplary work with the Educational Activities.
Shabana Urooj – 2018 IEEE Region 10 Education Activities Outstanding Volunteer Award

IEEE Bangalore Section – 2018 IEEE Region 10 Education Activities Group Award

The awards were presented to the winners on the 2019 IEEE Region 10 Annual meeting. 🎉
Watch out for this space! 2019 Call for Awards is coming soon. 🙂