New Innovation Challenge

2022 Region-10 EA Call for Proposal – New Innovation Challenge


IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities Committee (EAC) would like to invite all IEEE members of R10 Council, Section, Subsection, Society Chapter, Women in Engineering (WIE), Young Professional and Life Members Affinity Groups to submit proposals with creative and new innovative programs which will provide values to the IEEE community, in alignment with MGA/EAB goals and 2020-2025 IEEE Strategic focus on Lifelong Learning. 


R10 EA Innovation Challenge has been established to welcome Council, Section, Subsection, Society Chapter, Student Branch and other Affinity Groups to propose new innovative educational activities and challenge to implement activities in the scope of EA, as stated above, at the local, regional, national, and/or international level. 

  1. To encourage creative and new innovative programs which provide values to IEEE members and in alignment with IEEE strategic goals, in particular, Lifelong Learning.
  2. To raise the awareness and profile of IEEE among the community.
  3. To encourage the exploration and utilization of resources from IEEE and IEEE Education Activities Board.
  4. To encourage collaboration between IEEE units.


The two categories of targeted groups for Educational Activities New Innovation Challenge are as follows: 

1) Pre-University Education 

2) University Education 


All IEEE Region 10 EA Innovation Challenge Award targets IEEE R10 Council, Section, Subsection, Society Chapter, Women in Engineering (WIE), Young Professional and Life Members Affinity Groups.

Evaluation criteria

  1. Innovative aspect of the program
  2. Educational outcomes of the proposed program
  3. Alignment with IEEE strategic goals
  4. Metrics or measurement of success and impact of the proposed program
  5. Demonstration on the utilization and promotion of IEEE resources
  6. Support and collaboration with IEEE Organizational Units (OU)
  7. Impact of the Program to the Participants and Community 


The IEEE OU has to apply for hosting the innovation challenge endorsed by the parent Council/Section/Subsection with the commitment of matching grant of USD 350. 

10 Commendation supports – USD 350 from IEEE R10 for each proposal with matching grant of USD 350 from organizing OU which would be in anyone of the above category


The proposal template is available at R10 EA homepage ( The proposals must be completed by any OU/Affinity Group and endorsed by the parent Council/Section/Subsection with the commitment of matching grant of USD 250. The OU should brief or define the nature of the contest of the innovation challenge to be hosted. 

The proposal shall contain the following information (as shown in the template):

  1. Executive summary of the innovation challenge to be hosted (maximum 300 words)
  2. Introduction and description of the activities including anticipated expenses. 
  3. The platform for the innovation challenge (Preferably virtual /blended mode)
  4. How does the program align with IEEE goals and effective use of IEEE resources such as TISP and IEEE TryEngineering. 
  5. Measurement or assessment of the educational outcomes and impact of the program to the participants and community
  6. Innovative aspect of the program
  7. Proposal must be endorsed by Council/Section/Subsection Chair. 


The participant has to submit the detailed proposal in prescribed format on R10 Funding Proposal submission:

  1. Step 1: Access the R10 Educational Activity Call for proposal Submission Form. Submission link:
  2. Step 2: Select the funding category from R10 Educational Activities drop-down menu 
  3. Step 3: Complete the questionnaires
  4. Step 4: Request & receive endorsement in the template given.
  5. Step 4: Upload the proposal in the google form(The proposal format should follow the template provided). Please download the proposal template at R10 EA homepage

If you are not able to submit proposal through funding portal or facing difficulties then, proposal in required template can be sent to & CC to

All winning entries are required to: 

  1. Prepare a short video and infographic about the event, post in respective IEEE social media and add the hashtag #IEEER10EAInnovationChallenge #IEEER10EAReachingLocals 
  2. All the activities should be reported to IEEE STEM portal. 
  3. It is recommended to provide the translation in local language for the short video posted in the social media. 
  4. All awarded Council/Section/Subsection are required to submit a final report and submit claims for reimbursement before 1st September 2022. All the reimbursement will be given after the submission and approval from IEEE R10 EA committees. 

If you are not able to submit proposal through funding portal or facing difficulties then, proposal in required template can be sent to & CC to

Essential Information

  1. The Objectives of the IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities Committee (EAC) is to implement programs specifically intended to serve and benefit IEEE members in educational pursuits, the engineering and scientific community and the general public in Asia and Pacific Region.
  2. The purpose of the IEEE Education Activities Committee is to recommend policies on educational matters and implements programs specifically intended to serve the educational pursuits of IEEE members, the engineering and scientific communities, and the general public. (
  3. The core purpose of IEEE is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE’s vision is to become essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions. 
  4. The IEEE Strategic Plan is a vital part of the ongoing evolution of IEEE. The plan provides a clear picture of IEEE as an organization, the goals our community is pursuing, and the initiatives that will move IEEE forward in the coming years.…
  5. IEEE Educational Activities has assembled a variety of resources for pre-university teachers, school counsellors, parents, and students. These resources are intended to provide guidance on locating additional information on engineering and engineering careers.…
  6. It should be noted there are a wealth of resources in the IEEE environment serving the spectrum of community and proposers are encouraged to utilize them as much as possible. 
  7. The examples are 
    1. IEEE Reach
    2. IEEE Dataport
    4. Try Engineering
    5. IEEE Learning Network 
    6. IEEE Education
    7. IEEE eLearning Network,; 
  8. The proposers are strongly encouraged to implement their programs with or without support from this challenge. They should consider alternate sources of funding and supports from IEEE and other venues.
  9. They may also consider submission of their programs for IEEE R10 Educational Activities New Innovation Challenge Award and competitions.

For more details and enquiries, please contact R10 Educational Activities Committee at:


Project call opens: 18th February 2022

Submission Deadline: 15 April 2022

Announcement of shortlisted projects 30 April 2022

Duration given to organise projects 30 April 2022- 1 September 2022

Reporting deadline 1 September 2022