EA Awards
Report on IEEE R10 Educational Activity Orientation Workshop 2: Event Management
The recorded session on the webinar can be accessed through this link: https://youtu.be/8K1SRnAi8F0 Title: IEEE R10 Educational Activity Orientation Workshop 2: Event Management Date: 5th June 2021 Time: 07.00 am- 09.00am Indian Standard time Duration: 2 hours Registration link: https://forms.gle/E3YJWyGj7zKhQByc8 Platform: Zoom Meet Link: https://zoom.us/j/93956162363?pwd=aENJamlpYUloMUNiN2FzSlV1RFdJQT09 Meeting ID: 939 5616 2363 Passcode: 12345 Organizer: IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities Youtube recordedsession: https://youtu.be/ji-Bjef2pBQ Website: https://ea.ieeer10.orgFunding Portal Website: https://events.ieeer10.org/ Report Prepared by: Amoli Belsare IEEE Region 10 Educational Activity Committee 2021 has organized an Event Management Training for all approved proposal coordinators from OU’s and IEEE members of R10 Council,… Read more
IEEE Region 10 Award for EA
Kindly visit our Awards which are open now.1. R10 Educational Activities Outstanding Group Award (Annex K) http://www.ieeer10.org/awards-recognition-committee/ 2. R10 Educational Activities Outstanding Volunteer Award (Annex L) http://www.ieeer10.org/awards-recognition-committee/ For more details, kindly refer to the attached call for nomination and guidelines by referring to the respective annex. We look forward to receiving nomination from your Section
Webinar on “IEEE R10 EA Project opening & Funding portal and EA products”
The recorded session on the webinar can be accessed through this link: https://youtu.be/ji-Bjef2pBQ Date/time : Saturday, March 27th, 7:15 am – 9:30 am (IST) IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities will be organizing a webinar on IEEE R10 EA Project opening & Funding portal and EA products with the aim to provide a platform for all… Read more